If you want to teach your little one about the concept of opposites, it is recommended use different materials to introduce these vocabularies like an opposite song, story book, flashcard or even tangible objects. It is far more effective and constructive when children can literally compare or see the differences between those opposite words. Here are some resources and printable flashcard prepare for you all.
If you are interested the books and resources, you are welcome to click the pictures, it will redirect you to the sites.
1. The Opposites Song
This song is produced by KidsTV123 and is availiable on YouTube. Children always fall in love with this song. It is good to play during lessons, break time or even in car. You will be surprised how fast your kids can learn through songs.
2. Story Book

I found that these opposites books are really nice on Amazon, which come with cheap price and very nice illustrations. Both of them are printed on thick board pages, whimsical and hilarious books, featuring nontraditional texts and cute characters. It is definitely educational and entertaining for children of all ages.
3. Lego Blocks
Blocks are always the most effective way to learn, not only color recognition, hand-eye coordination and motor skills; there are far more benefits! For instance, using blocks to assist in learning opposites like long and short, more and less, big and small. Trust me, the money for blocks are worth spending.
4. Printables

Here's a very fun printable that can be used as flashcard to play with your kids. You are more than welcome to download them!