1) Stop and Throw (10 to 15 mins)
Throwing on targets
Listening skills/ following rules (when music is on, run; when music is off, stop)
Identifying colors
Mats or Cones (In different colors/Stick with color papers)
Small soft balls/ beanbags
When the music is on toddlers have to run around the court without stepping on the obstacles (soft balls and mats/cones).
When the music stops, all toddlers have to stop and stay on their own spot. Children have to listen carefully to teachers or parents. They will shout out a specific color e.g. Red. Each toddler then has to pick up a soft ball and throw towards the cones/mats which are red.
Advanced version:
Teachers or parents can adjust accordingly base on the throwing skills of toddlers. For instance, the colors that called out can be in different distance or heights to toddlers. It will be more challenging for them and be able to keep attention.
If you are interested in this game, you are welcome to click the hyperlink above, it will redirect you to the purchase sites for the equipment.